
34 eminent citizens issued a statement protesting seizure of Yunus's institutions

Staff Correspondent

July 27th, 2024 | 05:20:05 AM

A total of 34 noted citizens on Sunday issued a statement protesting the attempts to seize the institutions founded by Nobel Laureate Prof Dr Muhammad Yunus.

The statement said those attempts include trespassing and forced entry into institutions such as Grameen Kalyan and Grameen Telecom, located within the Grameen Telecom building. 

“Furthermore, a political rally was held before the building, constituting an unauthorized intrusion. In line with the recent events, the Chairman of Grameen Bank, AKM Saiful Majid, called a press briefing and claimed that the chairmanship of these institutions has been changed,” the statement read. 

Saiful Majid, in his letter presented at the briefing, mentioned that he was nominated for the post of chairman of three organizations. According to the revised article of association, Grameen Bank does not have the authority to change the post of chairman of these institutions, the statement read. 

“Even then, if there was any legal claim in this regard, Grameen Bank could have taken the initiative to present it to the court. But instead of doing that, we think the process by which efforts are being made to capture the institutions established by Dr Yunus is illegal, immoral, and distasteful. We condemn the one-sided, reckless, and defamatory allegations made by Grameen Bank Chairman Majid about Dr Yunus at the press conference,” the statement added.

According to the statement, Dr Yunus has been harassed by various government institutions in the name of summoning, investigation and interrogation. 

The noted citizens later urged the government and all concerned quarters to stop the harassment against Dr Yunus, including attempts to seize the institutions founded by him. 

The signatories of the statement include human rights activist Hameeda Hossain, former caretaker government adviser M Hafizuddin Khan, former cabinet secretary Ali Imam Majumder and others. 

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